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iOS App Development

iOS App Development Guide for Business

  • November 18, 2022   5 Mins Read

  • November 18, 2022

Businesses these days are looking to have an edge over their competition by having a strong online presence. A website is not enough anymore, and many companies are turning to mobile apps as a way to reach and engage with their customers.

If you’re thinking of developing an iOS app for your business but don’t know where to start, this guide is for you. We’ll go over the basics of iOS app development, from the initial planning stages to marketing your finished product. By the end of this guide, you’ll have all the information you need to get started on developing your very own iOS app.

[Read More: Why Should You Build Your App on iOS?]

What is iOS App Development?

iOS app development is developing software applications for Apple’s iOS operating system. iOS apps are written in Swift or Objective-C and can be published on the App Store or distributed privately.

What Are the Types of iOS Applications?

iOS app development can be broadly classified into native and hybrid. Let’s take a look at the key differences between the two approaches:

  • Native iOS app development requires using Objective-C or Swift programming languages and Xcode IDE. Apps are developed specifically for Apple’s iPhone and iPad devices. Native iOS apps are faster and more responsive as they directly access the device’s hardware and software resources. They also have access to all the latest features of the iOS platform.
  • Hybrid iOS app development uses web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to develop cross-platform apps that can run on iOS and Android devices. These apps are slower as they have to communicate with the native container to access device resources.

What Are the Benefits of iOS Apps for Businesses?

Apple App Store is the second biggest and the close competitor of Play Store, with a variable user base region-wise.
And with mounting popularity and user base worldwide, App Store is predicting revenue growth of approx $96 billion by 2023 from $88B in 2022 Q1.

The demand is certainly increasing and there are several reasons behind the same.

  • Increased Customer Retention
    Customers who have a seamless, easy-to-use experience with your business through an iOS app are far more likely to continue doing business with you. In fact, a study by Boston Consulting Group found that customer retention rates increased by 20% when businesses offered their customers a mobile app.
    This is because an iOS app allows customers to quickly and easily access the products or services they need from your business at any time. Customers can also use your app to track their purchase history, view current promotions, and contact customer support – without leaving their homes' comfort.
    What's more, an iOS app gives you a chance to push notifications directly to your customers' devices to remind them of upcoming sales or new product releases. This ensures that your business stays top-of-mind for your customers, even when they're not actively using your app.
  • Improved Customer Insights
    An iOS app can provide businesses with improved customer insights in several ways. First, an iOS app can collect data on customer behavior and preferences. This data can be used to segment customers and target them with personalized marketing messages.
    Second, an iOS app can track customer interactions with the company, including customer service interactions, sales transactions, and support requests. This data can be used to identify areas where the customer experience could be improved.
    Finally, an iOS app can provide businesses with feedback from customers through App Store reviews and ratings. This feedback can be used to improve the app itself as well as the overall customer experience.
  • More Opportunities for Upselling and Cross-Selling
    With an iOS app, businesses can offer customers additional products and services that they may be interested in. This can lead to increased sales and revenue for the business.
    An iOS app also allows businesses to stay in touch with their customers after the sale has been made. By sending push notifications or updates about new products and services, businesses can keep their customers engaged and coming back for more. This can create a loyal customer base that is more likely to make future purchases.
  • Enhanced Branding
    An iOS app can help enhance your brand in several ways. First and foremost, an iOS app can help to create a more professional image for your business. This is because an iOS app shows that you are willing to invest in your business and are serious about providing a good customer experience.
    An iOS app can also help to improve customer loyalty and customer retention. This is because customers with an iOS app are more likely to use it regularly, which means they will be more likely to remember your brand when they need your products or services.
    Finally, an iOS app can help you to reach new customers. This is because people who use Apple devices are typically early adopters of new technology, which means they are more likely to be interested in using new apps. If you can get your iOS app in front of them, you may be able to tap into this market and increase your customer base.

What Are the Popular iOS App Development Languages?

  • Swift
    Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language for macOS, iOS, watchOS, tvOS, and Linux. Swift adopts safe programming patterns and adds modern features to make programming easier, more flexible, and more fun. Swift’s clean syntax is easy to read and write, even if you’re just starting.
  • Objective-C
    Objective-C is a powerful, object-oriented programming language designed to extend the C programming language. It is still widely used today for developing iOS and macOS applications. Objective-C is known for its ease of use and wide range of features and is considered a robust and reliable language.
  • Flutter
    Flutter is a cross-platform mobile app development framework created by Google. It allows developers to write a single codebase for both iOS and Android platforms. Flutter uses the Dart programming language, which Google also develops. Dart is a fast, object-oriented language that compiles native code.
  • C#
    C# is a powerful object-oriented language that enables developers to create robust, high-performance applications. Although it is not as widely used as Objective-C or Swift, it is still popular for developing iOS apps.
  • HTML5
    HTML5 is the latest and most advanced version of the HTML standard. It offers new features like audio and video playback, offline storage, and improved performance. HTML5 is supported by all major browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome.

Key Factors to Consider Before Building an iOS Application

If you're considering developing iOS applications, there are a few factors you should take into account before getting started. Here are 5 important factors to consider:

  • The Cost of Development - Developing iOS applications can be expensive, especially if you're hiring a professional developer or agency. Make sure you have the budget in place before getting started.
  • The Time Commitment - Developing an iOS application takes time, so make sure you're prepared to dedicate the necessary time to get it done right. Otherwise, it could take longer and cost more than you originally anticipated.
  • Your Target Audience - Who are you developing the application for? Keep your target audience in mind when making decisions about features and functionality. This will help ensure that your application is successful once it's launched.
  • The App Store Approval Process - Once your application is complete, it will need to go through Apple's approval process before it can be listed on the App Store. This can take some time, so factor that into your overall timeline.
  • Maintenance and Updates - After your application is live on the App Store, you'll need to plan for ongoing maintenance and updates.

The Different Stages of Developing an iOS App

The different stages of developing an iOS app are as follows:

  • Ideation: This is the stage where you come up with the initial idea for your app. This is usually done by brainstorming with friends, family, or developers. Once you have an idea, you need to validate it to see if there is a market for it.
  • Planning: In this stage, you will flesh out your idea and create a plan for how your app will function. You will need to consider things like what features your app will have, what platform it will be built for, and what design elements you will use.
  • Development: This is the stage where you will actually start coding your app. You will need to choose a programming language and development environment and start building your app according to your plan.
  • Testing: Once your app is built, you will need to test it thoroughly to ensure everything works as intended. You may need to enlist the help of friends and family members to test your app's features.
  • Launch: Once you've tested your app and made sure it's ready for launch, you can submit it to the App Store and make it available to users worldwide.
  • Maintenance: Even after your app is launched, you will need to continue to provide maintenance and support. This includes releasing updates to fix bugs, adding new features, and responding to customer feedback.

Reasons to Outsource iOS App Development

There are many reasons to outsource iOS app development for businesses. It can be a cost-effective way to develop an app quickly and efficiently. Here are some benefits of outsourcing iOS app development:

  • Cost-effective: Outsourcing iOS app development can save businesses money. Development agencies often have access to cheaper labor markets, so they can develop an app for less than it would cost to hire in-house developers.
  • Quick Turnaround Time: Development agencies typically have a large team of developers who can work on an app quickly and efficiently. This means that businesses can get their apps developed faster than if they were to do it in-house.
  • Access to Experts: When businesses outsource iOS app development, they have access to a team of experts who know how to develop high-quality apps. This benefits businesses who want to ensure that their app is of the best possible quality.
  • Flexibility: Outsourcing iOS app development allows businesses to scale up or down as needed. If businesses need more features to their app, they can add more developers to their project team. Similarly, if businesses want to save money, they can reduce the number of developers working on their projects.
  • Risk Management: When businesses outsource iOS app development, they transfer the risk of developing an app from themselves to the agency they're working with. This means that the agency will be responsible if something goes wrong during development, not the business.
  • Focus on Core Business: When businesses outsource iOS app development, they can focus on their core business activities rather than worry about their app's development. This frees up time and resources that can be better used elsewhere.

Tips for Marketing Your iOS Mobile App

iOS app development is a process that requires careful planning and execution. Marketing your iOS app can be challenging, but it can be a successful endeavor with the right approach. Here are some tips for marketing your iOS app:

  • Define your target audience. Knowing who you want to reach with your marketing efforts will help you to create targeted campaigns that are more likely to be successful.
  • Research the competition. Take the time to learn about the other iOS apps in your category so that you can identify areas where you can differentiate your own app.
  • Create compelling content. Whether it's a website, blog, or social media post, make sure that the content you create is interesting and informative so that people will want to learn more about your app.
  • Use paid advertising wisely. Paid advertising can effectively reach potential customers, but it should be used in addition to other marketing efforts, not as a replacement for them.
  • Make use of social media platforms. Social media platforms offer a great way to connect with potential customers and create buzz around your app. Make sure to post regularly and interact with users so that they stay engaged with your brand.

How to Choose the Right iOS App Development Company?

iOS app development can be a complex and time-consuming process, so it's important to choose the right iOS app development company to partner with. Here are seven tips to help you choose the best iOS app development company for your business:

  • Define Your Project Scope and Requirements.
    Before beginning your search for an iOS app development company, it's important first to define the scope and requirements of your project. This will help you create a more targeted list of companies to research and ultimately choose from.
  • Research Potential Companies.
    Once you understand your project scope and requirements, it's time to start researching potential iOS app development companies. There are a number of ways to do this, including online research, word-of-mouth recommendations, and referrals from trusted sources.
  • Compare Company Portfolios.
    One of the best ways to evaluate an iOS app development company is by looking at its past work and client projects. Most reputable companies will have an online portfolio you can review, so take some time to browse various portfolios before making your final decision.
  • Check Out Online Reviews and Testimonials.
    In addition to looking at company portfolios, another great way to get insights into an iOS app development company is by reading online reviews and testimonials from past clients. This can give you valuable insights into a company's quality of work, customer service, and overall experience working with them.

The Estimated Cost of iOS App Development

iOS app development costs can range from $5,000 to $250,000. The average cost is usually around $100,000.
Factors that impact the cost of developing an iOS app include the size and complexity of the app, the number of features it has, and whether or not you need custom design work. Generally speaking, the more complex and feature-rich an app is, the more it will cost to develop.

iOS App Development Trends to Consider in 2022 & Beyond

Undoubtedly, the iOS platform is here to stay and continues to be one of the most popular mobile operating systems. As we move into 2022 and beyond, there are some key trends in iOS app development that businesses should be aware of:

  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) – With the release of Apple's ARKit framework, businesses can now develop innovative AR apps for iPhone and iPad users. We expect to see a surge in the popularity of AR apps in the coming years as this technology becomes more mainstream. VR apps are also becoming increasingly popular, particularly in gaming and entertainment.
  • Wearables – The Apple Watch is one example of the growing trend of wearable technology. While initial adoption rates for wearables have been relatively low, we expect this to change as more businesses develop applications for these devices in the coming years.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) – IoT is another growing trend expected to impact iOS app development greatly. More and more devices are being connected to the internet, allowing businesses to collect data and offer new services and applications.
  • 5G – The rollout of 5G networks will significantly impact mobile app development, including iOS devices. 5G offers significantly faster speeds and lower latency, enabling new types of apps and services that aren't possible with current 4G networks.


Developing an iOS app can be a daunting task, but with the right planning and execution, it can be a successful endeavor. This step-by-step guide provides all the information you need to get started, from idea generation to putting your app on the App Store. With dedication and hard work, you can develop an iOS app that people will love to use. Thanks for reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the benefits of iOS app development?

A: iOS app development can improve your business in a number of ways. First, it can help you reach new customers and markets. Second, it can improve efficiency and productivity within your company by streamlining processes and communication. Third, it can help you to better understand your customers' needs and wants. Finally, an iOS app can give your business a competitive edge in today's marketplace.

Q: What do I need to get started with iOS app development?

A: To develop an iOS app, you will need a Mac running the latest Xcode version. Xcode is a free software development environment available from Apple. You will also need an active Apple developer account, which requires an annual fee of $99.

Q: How long does it take to develop an iOS app?

A: The time it takes to develop an iOS app varies depending on the project's complexity. A simple app could be completed in as little as two weeks, while a more complex app could take two months or more.

About Author

Sakshi Aggrawal
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Sakshi is co-CEO who started the company back in 2016 and has been leading our team ever since. She personally handles the partnership with our key customers and invests lot of time and effort to make sure that CodeAegis provides exceptional quality of services and offer cutting edge tech solutions across the board. Sakshi is a fitness enthusiast and food lover.

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