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How to Create a Payment Gateway? Everything You Should Know

  • April 14, 2023   5 Mins Read

  • April 14, 2023

Are you aware that the world is going through a significant shift in the way we make payments? According to a recent report by Deloitte, the total value of digital payments worldwide is estimated to reach $11.3 trillion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 13%. This represents a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs who want to be part of this digital payment revolution by creating their payment gateway.
The online payment system has become the backbone of our globalized world, connecting key stakeholders such as merchants and consumers. Startups and enterprises can tap into this increasing digitization of payments by becoming part of the online payment ecosystem. Payment gateways, in particular, are a crucial component of this ecosystem, serving as digital point-of-sale (POS) terminals that facilitate various functions.
To fully leverage this opportunity, it's important to have a solid understanding of how payment gateways work. These gateways perform a variety of functions, including facilitating transactions, ensuring security, and handling data. By building a payment gateway, you can become a vital cog in this near-flawless digital payment system.


What is a Payment Gateway and How Does it Work?

A payment gateway is a technology that facilitates online transactions by processing the payment information between a buyer and a seller. It acts as a mediator between the two parties, ensuring secure and reliable payment processing.
The payment gateway plays a crucial role in online transactions, ensuring that sensitive payment information is kept secure throughout the process. Payment gateway providers charge a fee for their services, a fixed percentage of the transaction amount, or a flat fee per transaction.

Here are some key functions of a payment gateway:

  • Encryption: The payment gateway encrypts the customer's information to ensure unauthorized parties cannot intercept it.
  • Verification: The payment gateway verifies the customer's details and checks for available funds to ensure the transaction is valid.
  • Fraud Detection: Payment gateways use fraud detection and risk management protocols to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions.
  • Approval or Decline: Based on the results of the verification and fraud detection processes, the payment gateway approves or declines the transaction.
  • Funds Transfer: If the payment is approved, the payment gateway initiates the transfer of funds from the customer's account to the merchant's account.

Which Businesses Can Benefit from Using a Payment Gateway?

Any business that accepts payments online can benefit from using a payment gateway. This includes e-commerce stores, subscription-based businesses, online marketplaces, and more. Payment gateways provide businesses a secure and reliable way to accept payments from customers worldwide. By using a payment gateway, businesses can:

  • Increase Sales: Businesses can increase sales and improve customer satisfaction by offering various payment options and a seamless checkout process.
  • Reduce Fraud: Payment gateways use advanced fraud detection and prevention tools to help businesses reduce the risk of fraudulent transactions.
  • Simplify Payment Processing: Payment gateways streamline the payment process by handling all the technical aspects of payment processing, allowing businesses to focus on running their business.
  • Expand Globally: Payment gateways allow businesses to accept payments from customers in different countries and currencies, making expanding their reach and growing their business easier.

Advantages of Creating a Personalized Gateway for Your Business

If you're looking to create a personalized gateway for your business, partnering with a payment gateway development services company or mobile application development company can be a wise choice. Here are some of the benefits of building a custom gateway for your business:

  • Enhanced functionality and performance tailored to your business needs.
  • Integration of critical features and functionalities for your specific requirements.
  • Streamlined operations and cost reduction by integrating multiple payment systems and real-time reporting.
  • Improved security with advanced authentication and encryption features. Increased brand image and reputation through a personalized, seamless user experience that matches your brand's aesthetics.
  • Greater control over your system with customizable features and functionalities that can be updated as needed.
  • A competitive edge by staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in payment gateway and mobile application development.

Essential Components of Payment Gateways

Here are some of the vital components of payment gateways:

  • Fraud Protection Systems: Payment gateways employ advanced fraud detection and prevention mechanisms to minimize the risk of fraudulent transactions, including address verification, 3D Secure, and CVV verification.
  • Tokenization: Tokenization replaces sensitive payment information with unique tokens to ensure secure and PCI-compliant transactions. Tokens cannot be used to purchase on their own, reducing the risk of fraud.
  • Recurring Payments: Payment gateways enable merchants to accept recurring payments from customers regularly, such as subscriptions or membership fees. This helps to simplify billing and increase customer retention.
  • Seamless Payment Gateway Integration: A payment gateway should integrate seamlessly with a merchant's website or mobile app to provide a smooth checkout experience for customers. The integration should also be easy to implement and customize.
  • Scalability: Payment gateways should be able to handle high volumes of transactions and scale with a merchant's business growth. This ensures the gateway can keep up with the increasing demand and processing requirements.
  • Disputes and Arbitration: Payment gateways offer dispute resolution and arbitration services in case of chargebacks or payment disputes between customers and merchants. This helps to resolve issues quickly and fairly.
  • Hosted Payment Gateways: Hosted payment gateways redirect customers to a separate payment page hosted by the gateway provider. This reduces the merchant's PCI compliance burden and enhances security.
  • Virtual Terminal: A virtual terminal allows merchants to accept payments over the phone or via email by manually entering a customer's payment information into the gateway. This expands the range of payment options available to customers.
  • Working Hours (24/7): Payment gateways should be available to process transactions 24/7 to ensure customers can make purchases at any time, regardless of time zone differences or business hours.

Factors to Consider While Developing a Payment Gateway

Payment gateway development is a complex process that requires careful consideration of various factors. Several critical factors must be considered to ensure a successful payment gateway development project, from integration and scalability to deployment and safety. Here are some of the critical factors to remember in payment gateway development:

  • Interaction Between Merchants, Buyers, and Marketplace Operators: The payment gateway should provide a seamless interaction between merchants, buyers, and marketplace operators to ensure a smooth transaction process.
  • Integration: The payment gateway should be easy to integrate with other systems, such as merchant websites, point-of-sale systems, and mobile apps.
  • Scalability: The payment gateway should be designed to handle high volumes of transactions and scale with the growth of the business.
  • Time to Market: The payment gateway should be developed and deployed quickly to meet market demands and stay ahead of the competition.
  • System Architecture: The payment gateway should have a robust and flexible system architecture to support multiple payment methods, currencies, and languages.
  • Deployment: The payment gateway should be deployed securely and integrated with other systems without disrupting existing operations.
  • Monitoring: The payment gateway should be monitored regularly to ensure optimal performance and promptly detect and resolve any issues.
  • Safety: The payment gateway should have advanced security features like encryption and tokenization to protect sensitive information and prevent fraud.
  • A Dispute Resolution Interface: The payment gateway should have a dispute resolution interface to help merchants and customers resolve payment disputes quickly and fairly.
  • Branching Out API Design: The payment gateway should have well-designed APIs that enable third-party developers to integrate with the gateway easily, opening up new opportunities for growth and innovation.

What are the Steps to Build a Payment Gateway?

Creating a payment gateway requires significant technical expertise and resources. Here are the key steps involved in building a payment gateway:

  • Define the Requirements: The first step is to define the requirements for the payment gateway, including the supported payment methods, security measures, user interface, and other features.
  • Develop the Backend Infrastructure: The backend infrastructure of the payment gateway includes server-side scripting, database management, and APIs. This is the most critical component of the payment gateway and needs to be scalable and secure.
  • Integrate Payment Methods: The next step is integrating various payment methods, such as credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and bank transfers, into the payment gateway.
  • Implement Security Measures: Payment gateway security is crucial to protect customers' sensitive payment information from theft, fraud, or misuse. This includes SSL certificates, encryption, and PCI DSS compliance.
  • Develop the User Interface: The user interface of the payment gateway should be intuitive, user-friendly, and responsive. It should provide a seamless checkout experience for customers.
  • Testing and Quality Assurance: The payment gateway should be thoroughly tested for functionality, security, and user experience. This includes unit testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing.
  • Maintenance and Support: Ongoing maintenance and support are essential to keep the payment gateway up-to-date, secure, and running smoothly.

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How Much Does it Cost to Build a Payment Gateway?

Building a payment gateway can be a complex and expensive process. The cost depends on several factors, such as the complexity of the gateway, the type of payment methods supported, the level of security required, and the development team's experience and location. Here's a table to explain the cost factors and cost in detail:

Based on these cost factors, the total cost of building a payment gateway can range from $50,000 to $300,000 or more, depending on the complexity and requirements. It's essential to carefully evaluate the cost and benefits of building a payment gateway before making a final decision, as it may be more cost-effective to use an existing payment gateway or a third-party payment processor.

How CodeAegis can Help You Build a Payment Gateway?

CodeAegis, a fintech development company, can help you build a blockchain payment gateway. Our team of experienced developers can provide end-to-end development services, from defining the requirements to developing the backend infrastructure, integrating payment methods, implementing security measures, and developing the user interface.
We can also offer ongoing maintenance and support to ensure the payment gateway is up-to-date and secure. You can hire developers from CodeAegis to build a customized payment gateway that meets your unique requirements and specifications.


How do payment gateways ensure the security of transactions?

Payment gateways use advanced encryption and tokenization techniques to ensure the security of transactions. They also comply with industry-standard security protocols such as PCI DSS.

How long does it take to set up a payment gateway?

The time required to set up a payment gateway depends on various factors, such as:

  • The provider
  • The integration's complexity,
  • And the required documentation's availability.

Typically, setting up a payment gateway can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

Can a payment gateway be customized to meet specific business requirements?

Yes, payment gateways can be customized to meet specific business requirements. Payment gateway providers offer various customization options, such as integration with existing systems, customization of payment pages, and integration with different payment methods.

About Author

Sakshi Aggrawal
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Sakshi is co-CEO who started the company back in 2016 and has been leading our team ever since. She personally handles the partnership with our key customers and invests lot of time and effort to make sure that CodeAegis provides exceptional quality of services and offer cutting edge tech solutions across the board. Sakshi is a fitness enthusiast and food lover.

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